Cozy Coffee Break
Cozy Coffee Break $49.99
Give someone a break this holiday season! Our Cozy Coffee Break has a little something for that special person to sit back and enjoy a great cup of coffee and some delicious snacks with a beautiful candle filling the air with the smell of Christmas cookies! Includes: Ethan and the Bean Coffee 2 oz pouch Savor by Suzie Dark Chocolate Covered Pretzels 3.5 oz South Fork Chocolate Chip Cookies (2) Cheerful Giver Snowman Candle-Sugar Cookie Smile Biscotti (2) AGB Chocolate Covered Raisins  
Gluten-friendly Snack – Valentine's Edition
Gluten-friendly Snack – Valentine's Edition $69.99
This box is a gluten-free alternative to our other snack basket selections, featuring some new AGB favorites.  And now we’ve customized a version just for Valentine’s Day!  Great for that student, friend or family member who is gluten sensitive.  ** Please note that the products in this basket are gluten-free “friendly” and are not intended for those that have been diagnosed with Celiac disease.  Includes: Prospector Popcorn – Belgian Chocolate Toffee Purely Patrick – Pot O’Gold (Assorted Candies) Savor by Suzie – Grain Free Sea Salt Pretzels Savor by Suzie – Grain Free Chocolate Covered Pretzels Bear Food Gourmet Nuts BeeFree - Warrior Snack Mix BeeFree – Warrior Nutty Bar John’s Crazy Socks (Red Hearts) AGB Hugs and Kisses Chocolate Candies Highland Chocolate “I Love You” Chocolate Bar AGB Stress Ball